Channel Islands

Channel Islands
геогр. Нормандские острова

who controls these islands? — кому принадлежат эти острова?

Galapagos Islands — острова Галапагос, Галапагосские острова

Society Islands — острова Общества, острова Товарищества

dollar Solomon Islands — доллар Соломоновых островов

Tristan da Cunha Islands — острова Тристан-да-Кунья

English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "Channel Islands" в других словарях:

  • Channel Islands — de Californie Channel Islands Carte des Channel Islands. Géographie Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Channel Islands — puede referirse a: Islas del Canal California Channel Islands Channel Islands Beach Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Channel Islands — Channel Is|lands the Channel Islands a group of British islands in the English Channel near the coast of France. The main islands are Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • CHANNEL ISLANDS — CHANNEL ISLANDS, small archipelago off the coast of Normandy belonging to Great Britain. Jews seem to have lived there in the Middle Ages. A London Jew named Abraham was described in 1277 as being from La Gelnseye (Guernsey). The converted… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Channel Islands — 1. group of islands in the English Channel, off the coast of Normandy: British crown dependencies with internal self government: 75 sq mi (194 sq km) 2. SANTA BARBARA ISLANDS …   English World dictionary

  • Channel Islands —   [ tʃænl aɪləndz],    1) Inselgruppe im Ärmelkanal, Kanalinseln.    2) pazifische Inselgruppe in Südkalifornien, USA; einige Inseln bilden den Channel Islands National Park (1 009 km2; 1980 errichtet; mit Seelöwen und Seevögeln).   …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Channel Islands — (spr. tschännĕl eiländs, »Kanalinseln«), die Normannischen Inseln …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Channel Islands — This article is about the British Crown dependencies. For the islands off Southern California, see Channel Islands of California. For the French Channel Islands, see Chausey. The Channel Islands, located between the south coast of the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel Islands — a British island group in the English Channel, near the coast of France, consisting of Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey, and smaller islands. 126,156; 75 sq. mi. (194 sq. km). * * * I Island dependencies, United Kingdom. Located in the English Channel… …   Universalium

  • Channel Islands — a British island group in the English Channel, near the coast of France, consisting of Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey, and smaller islands. 126,156; 75 sq. mi. (194 sq. km). * * * the ˈChannel Islands 7 [Channel Islands] noun plural a group of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Channel Islands — Die Channel Islands sind: eine Inselgruppe im Ärmelkanal, siehe Kanalinseln eine Inselgruppe vor der Küste Kaliforniens, siehe Channel Islands (Kalifornien) eine Inselgruppe im Archipel der Aleuten, siehe Channel Islands (Aleuten) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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